With new EU to GB import controls set to come into effect as early as January next year, the pressure for businesses to prepare has never been greater. However, data from a recent survey by The Federation of Small Businesses* has shown that only 25% of companies have put processes into place to ensure they are able to comply.
What is changing?
From January 1 2022, businesses will be required to complete full customs declarations for the import of goods from the EU to Great Britain, with GB importers having to provide pre-notification of Products of Animal Origin (POAO), Food and Drink in advance, via IPAFFS.
Hauliers will also need to provide ‘pre-lodge declarations for the goods they are carrying into Britain, using GVMS, to generate a Goods Movement Reference number’ with travel restrictions placed on those without this documentation.
How prepared are small businesses?
33% of those surveyed by the FSB said that they were unaware of the change until the study, while 16% stated that they had been unable to make the necessary preparations due to the effects of the current climate.
With the potential of another national lockdown on the horizon, it is of vital importance that now they are more aware of what is to come, businesses take steps to properly prepare for the import controls that will be rolled out throughout 2022.
What happens next?
There is still time to prepare and businesses can turn to industry experts for assistance with not only these changes but those to come.
Physical2Digital offer a comprehensive solution for SPS goods movement certification and customs declarations. The SaaS based platform simplifies the process of creating SPS EHC documentation and customs declarations through the automation of processes along with P&R and Commodity Code enrichment tools. With a dedicated support team, P2D offer SMEs and global retailers alike the tools, support and knowledge they require to prepare for EU/GB import controls.
As part of this support, P2D will be offering training sessions on CDS with our customs experts. CHIEF, HMRC’s legacy customs system, will be phased out by March 2023 and replaced by CDS. While this change may seem far off, the findings by the FSB show the importance of preparing in advance for new regulations.
If your business is struggling to adapt to the changes, get in touch today. Or for more information on our CDS training please visit our website www.p2dl.com